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America Abandoned Blog

The Velvet Coup Is Happening To You
When the Czech Republic broke away from the Soviet Union, they called the event their Velvet Revolution because no shots were fired. My thesis is that America has experienced a Velvet Coup because no shots were fired and that corporations, the billionaires who own...

Who Is Afraid of Your Vote?
There are numerous political, religious, industry and ideological forces (PRIIF) in the country that not only don’t want you to vote, but they never want you to vote again, ever. They do everything they can to make the process miserable, both physically and mentally....

We’ve Been Robbed
It is my view that when “We, the People” actually understand what we have lost, we will fight to get what was stolen back. If you have experienced being robbed, you know the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. You are shocked that this personal violation happened...

Privatizing Everything
The country’s infrastructure is crumbling everywhere. There is plenty of money in America to fix this problem, but it is held only in a few hands. The amazing and sorry fact is that one-tenth of one percent (0.01%) owns as much wealth as 90 percent of the country. Our...

Then They Came for the Professors
Then They Came for the Professors by Jill Cody, MPA It has begun in America. The chilling Professor Watch List, a website that personally targets college professors, states the following purpose: “The mission of Professor Watch List is to expose and document college...

The Truth Is Still Putting on Its Shoes
Years ago, maybe fifteen or so, I realized that the corporate media had abandoned real news. This revelation came to me when The News Hour on NPR shifted from analyzing stories and asking profound questions in their interviews to merely inviting two talking heads to...

Did the Republicans Just Plan To Hand Over to Steve Bannon a Seventy-Five-Year American Voice To The World?
Before I wrote America Abandoned, I mapped out a book that would discuss how we, the people have been utterly abandoned by our media. I still plan to write that book, but in the meantime, there are more important things to discuss. As their website explains, the Voice...

Universal What?
There is a new branding phrase of which we all need to be aware: Universal Access, but first, some background. An overwhelming majority of Americans want the security and affordability of a Universal Health Care System (as it has been called) as all the other...

Losers or Killers?
Losers or Killers Inauguration Day January 20, 2017 My eyes are full of tears. My heart is broken. My mind is astonished … that a man who referred to the size of his penis in a debate, bragged about grabbing pussy, that is proud of stiffing subcontractors...
Author’s Visionary New Book, America Abandoned
Anticipated How Billionaires Would Take Over Democracy and How We Can Get It Back Santa Cruz, Calif.—In her prescient, eye-opening new book America Abandoned: The Secret Velvet Coup That Cost Us Our Democracy (pub. date 9-26-16), author and political activist Jill...