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It was most considerate of you to except our invitation to be our guest speaker at our general meeting on February 11 at Harry’s Hofbrau. Because of the poor weather conditions that night we were especially pleased that you arrived safely. Thank you for coming.
Your topics on the abandoned America was interesting and thought-provoking. We hope that it’s not too late to make a difference. The approach of “constructive outrage”, educating voters, get out the vote, and elect more Democrats to Congress is a good idea. And to remind our “false leaders” that “We the People” are on the rise.
Thank you for your caring efforts.
Best wishes
Secretary, Santa Clara County Democratic Club
from Cindy Jackson, LSB Friends:
Jill Cody’s book, AMERICA ABANDONED, is impressive for its detailed research and its easily understood organization. The same can be said for Jill’s oral presentation, but then you need to add her professional public speaking and her ability to field a wide variety of questions. We had a large and well informed audience for her, but all left with new information and with new and creative ideas to increase individuals’ participation in our democracy. What better way to promote citizens’ engagement with our democratic institutions? Any civic minded group or those interested in the historical perspective of our current political climate would benefit from her information.
from: Marcia Poms, LSB audience member:
I wish my relatives could have heard this talk. They’re totally on the opposite side of the spectrum from me and would never listen to what I have to say. But Jill’s information is so well presented and with the way she builds the history of events, they might actually be willing to listen to her and learn.
from: Lesli Min, LSB Friends:
The La Selva Beach Library Friends sponsored Jill Cody’s Author Talk to uniformly enthusiastic reviews. Jill is a very engaging speaker and is relatable to a variety of audiences and information levels. Everyone left feeling they had gained something of value. Having coordinated with Jill throughout the event, I witnessed firsthand her degree of dedication and passion. Those qualities are also evident in her book America Abandoned, which is thoroughly researched and informative, but is also highly accessible and a lively read. Jill is also continually updating and adding new content so her talks will be fresh and utterly relevant. I hope many avail themselves of this talented speaker and her important work.
from: Janet Fisher Torres
Bravo, Jill, the book just isn’t a recording of events and a projection of things to come (which is where we actually find ourselves here and now) it is an empowering tool kit to channel the read is outrage into action. For those who actually care about this great country.