The Truth Is Still Putting on Its Shoes

The Truth Is Still Putting on Its Shoes

Years ago, maybe fifteen or so, I realized that the corporate media had abandoned real news. This revelation came to me when The News Hour on NPR shifted from analyzing stories and asking profound questions in their interviews to merely inviting two talking heads to...
Universal What?

Universal What?

There is a new branding phrase of which we all need to be aware: Universal Access, but first, some background. An overwhelming majority of Americans want the security and affordability of a Universal Health Care System (as it has been called) as all the other...
Losers or Killers?

Losers or Killers?

Losers or Killers Inauguration Day January 20, 2017   My eyes are full of tears. My heart is broken. My mind is astonished … that a man who referred to the size of his penis in a debate, bragged about grabbing pussy, that is proud of stiffing subcontractors...

Author’s Visionary New Book, America Abandoned

Anticipated How Billionaires Would Take Over Democracy and How We Can Get It Back   Santa Cruz, Calif.—In her prescient, eye-opening new book America Abandoned: The Secret Velvet Coup That Cost Us Our Democracy (pub. date 9-26-16), author and political activist Jill...